Tantra Freunde in Utrecht gesucht!

Boris sucht Tantrapartner aus Utrecht

Boris sucht Tantrapartner aus Utrecht
Über mich
Relaxed and spiritual guy, likes to connect ladies for exchange of massage. I am chill, no hurries here;) Let's chat and get to know eachother, before we create a beautiful moment together. I want us to be totally comfortable and with pure intentions. Then we can grow the most organic, and reach the nicest levels of sharing happy energy😃
Tantric lifestyle
Yoga, Natur, Meditation, Spirituelles, Erotisches, Esoterisches allgemein, FKK, Buddhismus, Gesundheit, Schamanismus, Tantra, Reiki, Channeling, Massagen, Seelenpartner, Spirituelle Meister, Taoismus, Zen, Yoga Kundalini, Human Design System, Dating, Chillen, Tantragruppe, Flirten, Blind Date, Feng Shui, (NEU) Freundschaft plus, (NEU) Polyamory
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